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3D Printing at the US Navy COOL Program

Keith Boring, the Director of the U.S. Navy's Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) program spoke with us this past week about what he has been working on with the organization's ZEUS printer.

DON COOL is a centralized, Web-based hub that consolidates information from numerous sources at the federal, state and local levels on certifications, licenses, apprenticeships and growth opportunities that correspond with each Navy and Marine occupation. Armed with that information, DON COOL provides the means for Navy and Marine personnel to learn about and obtain civilian licenses and certifications that are closely aligned with their military occupations.The Navy COOL Program Office resides on a U.S. Navy base where over 1,000 Sailors work, learn, and serve their country.

Navy & Marine Enlisted (Active and Reserves) take advantage of certification and licensing opportunities to enhance their military career while creating future opportunities in the civilian employment sector. COOL is a strong example of Dept. of the Navy’s enduring commitment to all their Sailors’ and Marines’ personal and professional growth. Through learning and utilizing 3D printing technology in the program, these soldiers are partaking in a huge industrial revolution that is slowly, but surely changing the world. By keeping up to date with the latest technologies, they are preparing themselves for future endeavors and expanding their skill sets to have a competitive edge.

Here are some more of the projects Keith shared with us:

"With the help of the trusty AIO Zeus, we've turned a 2D sign into a 3D eye-catcher. Our AIO Zeus is giving the Navy COOL program a professional appearance, and our employees happy. And as we all know, a happy Sailor is a productive Sailor."

3D Printed Busts of the entire shop staff that were designed and printed in-house

Awesome steampunk T-rex head

Rocket ship 3D Printed and spray-painted

A "Battle Slug" that was 3D printed and painted

Cool zombie candy dispenser; perfect for Halloween

A custom designed buddha collection with various different cartoon character heads

A 3D printed skull and bones sits below the office exit sign

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