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Make EASY Money with your ZEUS 3D Printer Online Now; Get free filament on us!

Did you know that you can actually make money by owning a ZEUS 3D printer? There is this website called in which local designers, engineers, and prototypers can go to order 3D printed parts if they do not have access to a 3D printer themselves! This is an easy way for ZEUS owners to earn some fast money by doing prints for others. Many people will pay top dollar for a good printout and the profit margins can be great.

Using 3D Hubs is also a great way to help fund your printer if you are tight on cash and need to justify your purchase, or if you want to do a fundraiser for a school club or charity, etc. Various school organizations have done this, such as USC's 3D4E club, pictured on the left. By creating a 3D Hub, you can transform your printer into a money-making machine while doing minimal work yourself.

To sign up, simply visit and follow the sign-up instructions. You will be required to list your printer specs and colors/materials you are able to print in. You will also be able to set your pricing (we recommend checking out the other 3D Hubs that are available near you and pricing your shop just lower than the lowest-priced competitor to have a market advantage). Once you have completed your profile, will ask you to print out a test file (see the photo on the right) to verify that you do in fact have a 3D printer, and that your printer's quality is good.

After you follow these steps to complete the verification process and are accepted by 3D Hubs, you will start to receive jobs from various users and can choose to accept or decline. It is quickest to get paid through Paypal so you can easily link your account to your 3D Hub and you will be ready to start taking jobs.

We want to encourage all our users to get out there and start making real money with their ZEUS printers so we will even provide you a spool of filament FREE to help you get started!

All you have to do is create your hub on and send us confirmation in the form of a screen shot and your hub username so that we can verify that your hub is active with ZEUS as your listed 3D printer (remember, you must go through the print verification process before your hub will show - this can take up to 24 hours after submitting your sample printout). Please also include your Zeus serial number in the message. Send your confirmation to with the subject, "My 3D Hub."

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